The Walking Dead's hardest test

There are a lot of people who claim they know everything about The Walking Dead but do they really? There are so many things in the walking dead that are easy to forget or miss.

Are you one of the people who claim they know everything about the walking dead? Take this test and find out how much you really know. Will you come out with a 100% or a 30%?

Created by: Garrett
  1. Who is the first character to get killed off in season 2?
  2. What episode did Dale die?
  3. How does Merle Dixon die?
  4. What weapon did Rick kill Gareth with?
  5. What happened to Tara's sister Lilly?
  6. Which characters died in order from first to last?
  7. Who said this quote "I'm a better man than you Rick, cause i can be here and i'll fight for her. But you just come back and destroy everything!"
  8. What killed Shane?
  9. Which of these did T-Dog say
  10. Which character from the walking dead died in the tv show but is still currently alive in the comics
  11. Was Maggie a real character in the comics?
  12. Who plays the role of Negan in the tv series

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