The ultimate WoF trivia quiz!

This is OBJECTIVELY the best WoF quiz there is! Test your skills with this uLtImAtE TRIVIA. maybe you’ll end up as the WOF MASTER, or maybe you’ll fail miserably.

Reminder that this quiz is for fun and doesn’t dictate whether or not you’re a true WoF fan! Also btw I haven’t read past the 2nd arc, so yeah keep that in mind when doing the quiz.

Created by: Artemis
  1. What is the fifth WoF book called?
  2. Who collected the original SkyWing egg for the prophecy? (before it was killed)
  3. Who is allied with Burn in the SandWings Succession War?
  4. How many MudWing characters are in WoF?
  5. Which tribe is known for their artistic ability?
  6. When was the WoF show first announced?
  7. How many pages are in the first WoF book?
  8. What is the first thing Peril touches when she puts on the enchanted necklace the gets rid of her firescales
  9. Who did Quibli say he would marry?
  10. What is the colour palette on the sixth book cover?
  11. How many SeaWings are there in WoF?

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