The Ultimate Solar System Quiz

Here is the quiz that tests your trivia on the planets. Do good, reward you. Do bad, get some studies! Be good on the quiz and don't think of cheating, otherwise you'll be ashamed.

To take note, these questions are ones that are from the Internet (Spoiler) or my knowledge, given I know A LOT about astronomy! Now let me present to you a difficult level quiz!:

Created by: Chase Johnson
  1. Which Planet is called, "Goddess of Love and Beauty" after the Romans?
  2. Which planet has the most moons?
  3. Enceladus is the moon of...?
  4. Which planet has around 80 moons?
  5. Solar Flares are the result of...?
  6. Is the Moon tidally locked to the Earth?
  7. Which satellite takes pictures in space?
  8. What is the size of the Sun?
  9. Which moon is "Habitable"?
  10. List the Jovian moons.?

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