The Ultimate Silly Quiz! >:3

Foxy:Yarr matey!Welcome to the quiz!Shadowla,Savannah,and the others will ask ye questions today!So lad/lass are ye ready? me:For Freddy? Foxy:Sorry lass!I didn't see ye comin! me:It's ok Foxy.
Shadowla:Hi there!Sorry if this is a weird quiz!But it is fun!Foxy will be hanging out with us.Hey!Foxy no!Put the beer up!Now! Foxy:Fine lass... *puts beer up* Shadowla:Oh!And be our backup just in case ok? Foxy:Yes lass...:3 Shadowla:Don't even think about taking a beer either. Vincent:Where is the toaster?Someone moved it! Shadowla:I don't know who moved it but they moved it to your room... me:Kawaii! Springtrap:oh dear god... Shadowla:There are 7 different results.You can hang out with the Puppet and listen to music if you want.