The ultimate pokemon quiz!

This the toughest, roughest, grueling off all Pokemon Quiz! Be aware! It is so tough that you will never even get past 45%. If you can be the pokemon master, Try it!

Be aware as knowone has gotten higher than 78% on this quiz. You might want to learn pokemon so hard that your brain popps out with pokemon knowledge!

Created by: doodle of
(your link here more info)
  1. Which pokemon evolves with a Reaper Cloth
  2. What was the 1st episode of pokemon called?
  3. What was the 1st pokemon game
  4. True or False: Brock had a Linoone in the advanced Generation series
  5. A shiny Gyrados's color is
  6. What was the 5th season of anime called?
  7. Which of these moves CAN NOT be used by Hoppip
  8. Skitty evolves into delcatty by what?
  9. What types are Ekans weak to?
  10. What is the name of the Frontier Brain of the Battle Tower in Generation III
  11. What is an Anorith's type?
  12. Where Can you catch a Houndour in Heart Gold?
  13. What is the Main abiltiy of Dunsparce?
  14. Which main Charecter owned a Forretress?
  15. Last Question: Which fact about trapinch is FALSE

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