The Ultimate Parenting Quiz

“Positive parenting” is all about empowering children and raising them to become happy, fulfilled, independent, conscious and capable adults. This type of parenting supports children via guiding, mapping out and brainstorming which helps them acquire skills of choice making, mentally juggling and considering possibilities and being aware that actions do have consequences. This label includes: Attachment Parenting, Conscious Parenting, Spiritual Parenting and Slow Parenting.
“Toxic Parenting” (or “Poor Parenting”) is a term for several types of parenting methods with damaging effects on children that include Tiger Parenting, Helicopter Parenting, Indulgent Parenting, Narcissistic Parenting and Neglectful Parenting. These parenting styles are labeled “toxic” because the parent’s needs come before the child’s and end up “poisoning” the little ones. Toxic parenting range from neglecting children’s needs to direct abuse (emotional, physical, sexual).