The ultimate kotlc boyfriend quiz!

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I keep wanting to take keeper of the lost cities boyfriend quizzes. I decided to give more opportunities to take one. This is an interesting quiz. I added 6 boys to change it up.

You could get keefe. Maybe Fitz or Dex. Or tam. I added Jensi because most don’t have him on it. Wylie is included too. Had to include them. I know who I want to get. Do you?

Created by: Be an amazing human
  1. What’s your favorite color
  2. Who do you really like
  3. Which last name fits.
  4. What’s your favorite color
  5. Color of hair
  6. First date
  7. Who is your arch nemesis
  8. Do you like school
  9. Fav. Animal
  10. Did you like this quiz

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