There are many horse people in this world are you one of them ? but there are some horse geniuses. Are you one of them? Horse geniuses are hard to come by.

are YOU a horse genius? Do you have qualification to call your self a horse genius? Now take the quiz and find out which one you are. do not forget to recomend this quiz!!!!

Created by: katharyn black
  1. WHAT IS the piece on the saddle the is at the very front
  2. what is often done at rodeos
  3. what breed of horse is also a car?
  4. what is a rider called that rides ENGLISH
  5. what are the gaits in order
  6. what discipline in which it involves cross country ,dressage,show jumping
  7. which of these quilifies a pony as a pony
  8. how do horses sleep
  9. which of these is not a horse color
  10. which of theese is not a real breed

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