The Ultimate Harry Potter Knowledge Quiz

Hey!!! This is a quiz for Potterheads, and prepare yourself; it will be very difficult! Get ready for some super duper random questions, but if you really are a Potterhead, I'm sure you'll get at least 50%.

Rules: No searching things up! Be honest! You can always try the quiz again. Goooooood luck! And have fun. Let the quiz begin!!Expelliarmus :))))))))))


Created by: Rose Granger-Weasley
  1. In which book is the chapter: "The Sacking of Severus Snape" found in?
  2. From where did JK Rowling choose the surname 'Potter'?
  3. Which of these facts is true about the first drafts of Hermione Granger?
  4. Is beauxbatons a boys and girls school?
  5. When Fred died, he as described to:
  6. Who repaired Harry's glasses in Diagon Alley in the BOOKS?
  7. Does Harry ever use an Unforgivable Curse? If so, which ones?
  8. Who played Sybil Trelawney? (Don't search this up.)
  9. How old was Nymphadora Tonks when she died? (Don't search this up.)
  10. What is Victoire Weasley's child's name? (Don't search this up.)
  11. What is the counter-curse to Sectumsempra? (Don't search this up.)
  12. Last question:When is Sturgis Podmore's birth year?

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