The ultimate coding test

Hey there my names Marina and I'm 9. As you can see I apsolutely love coding, coding changed my life. Coding can be very important in life so I hope this quiz helps you.

Are you the coding queen / king? Where are you on the totem pole? Work hard and you can knock the crown off of me, the coding queen, and impress your friends with this quiz!

Created by: Marina
  1. A = 2 and B = 4. What is F?
  2. PLEASE is 432052. What is SLEEP?
  3. This word will be used in the next few questions. CATASTROPHE is 123243567890. What is TROPHE?
  4. What is STOP?
  5. What is SCORE?
  6. What is CART?
  7. What is STARS?
  8. Here is a pattern. ABC EFG IJK MNO. What comes next?
  9. Here is another pattern. AZ BY CX DW EV. What comes next?
  10. HALLOWEEN Is 123345667. What is HELLO?
  11. What is WHALE?
  12. What is WELL?
  13. Here's an easy one. If PAT is 123 then what is TAP?
  14. This one does not count. Did you find this test good?

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