the truth about me

Who out there thinks they know me? I bet you'll discover at least a few things you never knew before. If you you want the truth about me, your at the right place.

Here are some questions to test your knowledge about... ME!!! Lets see how good my "friends" really know me. Then we'll all hve a good laugh later. Good luck to you all.

Created by: Diesha

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is my middle name?
  2. How old was I when I got married?
  3. Who was my first real kiss?
  4. When is my birthday?
  5. What color did I most wear in high school/now?
  6. How many kids do I want?
  7. What has been my worst reoccuring nightmare?
  8. Where would I most likely want to go?
  9. What will I be going to school for?
  10. On what street did I spend the majority of my childhood?
  11. What will I name my next child if it's a girl?
  12. What is my son's full name?

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