The Tobuscus quiz

This is a test to see how detocated you are to tobuscus. If you fail, I would like you to fall of a cliff you idiotic son of a biscuit! This quiz took a long time to make!

Do you have what it takes to score on this quiz? Think of all the things you know about his videos and put it to the test! I hope you enjoy this quiz! Toby out!

Created by: Steven

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is Toby's middle name?
  2. What is Toby's birfday?
  3. How many siblings does toby have?
  4. How old is he?
  5. What is he allergic to?
  6. What did his mom want him to be?
  7. How many known girlfriends has he had?
  8. What is his dogs name?
  9. Finish the sentence: "Ooh I love_______"
  10. What is his intro/ outro color order

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