The Time Traveling Heroes Part 2

This exciting part 2 to the Time Traveling Heroes has a new question...How did you get here????

I'd like to assure parents that there is no SC, there is little violence, but NO bad language. I'd like to thank the one with the username "cantstoplaughing" for being the very first to comment on my page!!! Thank you all for your support!!!

Created by: Michelle Withers

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Brian leads you back into the castle, where Robin and Arthur appear to be arguing. "Um, guys?" You ask them. They look up at you, noticing that you're awake. Robin stands up and says. "______! You're awake!" Arthur walks over to you. "It seems you've met Brian." You nod.
  2. "Yes, well. I suppose a proper introduction is in order.' Arthur tells you. "˜You already now that I am Prince Arthur Pendragon, this is Robin of Nottingham, and this is Brian Withers, he's actually from the future, not the past." You look at Brian, now even more fascinated by him. "So, are there any other time travelers that I should know about?" You ask them. "There are none that we know of." Robin tells you. You nod happily, and turn to Brian. "So what were you saying about me not having a magic object?" Robin looks at you, shocked. "What?" He asks Brian. "Well, she doesn't have a bracelet, necklace, ring or anything." Robin sits back down and runs his hands through his hair. "This isn't possible, there has to be some explanation." You sit down next to Robin and say. "Maybe SOMEONE brought me here, like that cute vampire guy." All of the boys stare at you suspiciously.
  3. Arthur sits on the coffee table in front of you. "Do not get used to him; he is not after you because you are beautiful." You pull your hair back behind your ear. "You think I'm beautiful?" His face turns red and he stands up and clears his throat. "My point is, if you see him; call for us." You nod a "yes" and stand up and tell him, "I'll be alright, as long as you guys are with me." He smiles and the three boys lead you up the stairs and to your bedroom. Your room has a queen bed with white laced sheets and blue pillows. A dresser is in the corner, and the bathroom of to the side. You climb into bed as the boys leave.
  4. Around two in the morning, you wake up by a sound. CREEEEAAAAAAKKK! You pretend to be asleep, but keep one eye open. A dark figure enters you room and stands above you, it's too dark for him to see that you are keeping one eye open. He lifts his and touches your forehead, at first everything's normal, but them you drift back to sleep. When you wake up, you're in a forest, blanketed by darkness. You awake in a forest, blanketed by darkness. You try to get up, but your legs and arms are paralyzed, again. The only thing you can move is your lips. Then, a glowing emerald ball of light comes out from behind a tree. As it floats closer to you, it starts to expand. About two feet from you it vanishes, in its place, a figure appears. Its dark cloak covered all of him/her. The mysterious figure pulls back its hood, showing a boy, you then realize that it's Alexander.
  5. "So, you thought I was dead, well, you can't kill the undead." You give him a nasty look. "I didn't think so; the guys will come rescue me." Alexander laughs. "I highly doubt that, we are miles away from them." "But they're time travelers." "Silly girl, time travelers can only move to certain points in time, not to certain locations." "Why can't they go to the past or future and stop you?" Alexander stops, and ponders your theory. "Oh, well, um, that couldn't happen." He says, reassuring himself. Then, a giant vortex open up next to you, and the three boys come out. You smile at Alexander like "Ha ha, told you." Arthur touches your shoulder, and you're back to normal. Robin shoots and silver arrow at Alexander, but he ducks. Then Brian throws silver stars at him, this time, a direct hit. Alexander poofs back into green dust.
  6. Robin and Brian rush over to you. "Did he tell you anything?" Brian asks you. "No, nothing at all." Robin puts his arm around your shoulder. "Come on babe, let's head back to the castle."
  7. Are you happy that I made a Part 2??? (No Effect)
  8. Who do you really love from this story???
  9. Do you think I should add some kind of twist? (PLEASE fill free to give some ideas, i'll make sure to include your username in the credits)
  10. Random Question.... what is your fav pet??? (No Effect)

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