The Test of Knowledge

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Are you a genius? Find out. I don't need an introductory paragraph, I'm too cool for school. However, good luck on the quiz! Just kidding, I want you to fail.

You can't be a genius if you think you're a genius. Therefore, you will NOT get 100%. Do you suck? Maybe. Find out when you take the awesome- face quiz.

Created by: Daniel
  1. What are common fuels in rockets?
  2. James Knox Polk is/was...
  3. What was the megalodon?
  4. Albert Einstein was born in and died in...
  5. How tall was the tallest man ever?
  6. How many degrees does the Earth spin on its axis?
  7. What is the longest English word?
  8. Most American car horns honk in the key of...
  9. How many noses do slugs have?
  10. How many degrees is absolute 0 in Farenheit?

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