the super girly quiz

I made this quiz because I know what girls like because I'm a girly so that's one of the reasons I named it the girly quiz and the girly quiz is all about girls

The girly quiz os mostly about girl stuff and movie and lots pf other stuff girly girls like about taking girly quizzez like this I am a girly girl for one so that's why I gave my quiz the name

Created by: lacie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How many bff's do you have.
  2. What is your first second third fourh fifth best friends names.
  3. How much boys do you have a crush on.
  4. How many of your best friends do u hate.
  5. Are you nice or mean or in between
  6. Howmean is your mom on a scale from 1through 10
  7. What is your favorite color
  8. What is your favorote book.
  9. What is your favorite movie
  10. What is your favorote pet

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