the super easy Rick Riordan's books quiz (percy jackson)

well I love rick riordans books so I decited to make a quiz. yeah. …. ok well I have nothing to say so I will just do gibberish but wait, just so you know its a super easy quiz. dhsuirq2398eud2wdshvgsdhbshguwuieuqwa

df mgvksehfrawoISxaNCn vxczfyiqewqe9qwiasxnnz bcddddddddddddddddddddfeiyyr9pwedmnxb cnbdgi8reupqowdk,msbcffehyjry89q32ei[pqajdcbxbvgyew3402wiksxvbdshkrt89wu8epowjdjkdscbgfdgteourpowejfjxcbhbvgiuewroqwa

Created by: peace love and pie
  1. what was kronos?
  2. Who did percy have a crush on?
  3. Why did percy go to tarturus?
  4. what was percy's favorite demigod myth? (about a demigod)
  5. could frank turn into a rinocorous?
  6. did you read Rick Riordans books?
  7. did Jason die?
  8. was nico part of the prophecy of the seven?
  9. finish the prophecy:seven half bloods shall answer the call_________________________________twin snuff out the angels breathand foes bear arms to the doors of death
  10. finish the prophecy: a child of the endless gods shall reach fifteen agenst all odds_________________________________the hero's soal cursed blade shall reap
  11. does Apollo have acne?
  12. does percy have siblings?
  13. does percy have a dad? one thats not a god?
  14. did percy's mom die?
  15. should I make another one?

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