The Stupid Test

There are many stupid people, but few true very stupid people. stupid people is, afterall, quite fun to be! You get to act like a total dope! What is a stupid person? A stupid person is the opposite of a genious. A stupid person is someone who has the brains of a snail, is not able to solve complex problems, and can't tell the difference between a triangle, and a bannana.

Are you a stupid person? Do you lack the brainpower to succeed through school? Until now, you didn't really know (unless you've been told you are or are not). But, if you have been told you are or are not, you should see for yourself! But thanks to this test, you'll be able to know for sure!

Created by: Brina
Personality Test
  1. Question is the answer
  2. Question is not the answer, but the answer is the opposite
  3. The 5 w's are, who what,_____when, ______
  4. The answer to this is not easy, but is impossible
  5. Name one musical instument
  6. What word STARTS with a k sound
  7. what word ends with a K sound
  8. These are the words you have: My, ate, sock, dog, the. Put this setence in proper order.
  9. what is the right way to spell this word: like i no!
  10. what tool do you use to correct your mistake when you are writing with a pencil
  11. are you stupid?

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