How stupid are you?

take this test and find out how stupid or how not stupid you are. find out also if you are a genius...and unsolve that question in your head.i wonder if you think your so perfect and yet you r a total stupid head...

come and see if you are a real genius.but take this test and find out. take this it...!!!and thanks for trying it out. NOW!!!

Created by: talicia
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. are you in a dum class or a job that most of the time you have no idea whats going on?
  2. do people call you stupid sometimes?
  3. do people say your smart?
  4. do you think you are stupid?
  5. do you ever want to die because you might be stupid?
  6. are you a boffin or a nerd?
  7. do you have many friends?
  8. do u like this quiz??
  9. how confident are you?
  10. (last question) do you always need help from the teacher or a helper or someone?

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Quiz topic: How stupid am I?