The story that has only one way of going. I hope.

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My quiz is a major high quiz. If you want to be a genius, you will. You only used to wonder. But not now. This quiz is now yours. Are you a genius? I don't know? Until now!

You might not be a genius now. But take this quiz and you could be more than just a genius, you could be a major genius. You are now a new genius. You are a winner.

Created by: Elizibeth
  1. You are walking into a forest when a cat jumps at you. What do you and your friends do?
  2. The cat happily joins you as you go on. You stop and suddenly think...
  3. You then get a shiver down your spine wondering what that was. Then you say...
  4. IT SNOWS!
  5. Yayyyy! what happens next?
  6. No!
  7. The aliens of death come from the ship and challenge you to a fight. What do you do?
  8. You have now killed all the aliens. What do you say?
  9. Suddenly, all your friends are mysteriously gone and have been dragged away. You knew that this would happen. The cat's hairs are all on end.
  10. 'Iyeeeeee" that was someone burning on the fire.

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