the stay alive test

There is alot to survival. lets see if you can survive these challenges. every decision you make will effect ether you live...or you die a horrid death

are you able to live thru all this? are you sure you got wehat it takes? if so, you should have no problem with these challenges! go now and try your luck!

Created by: naofurrie
  1. you find a bush filled with berrys. there green in color and kinda look like buttcheaks. your uber hungry and that is the only thing around.
  2. you see a hoard of zombies. you and your team of six are loaded with only melee weapons and your the only one with a gun. theres a pile of salvage next to you that you can use. what do you do?
  3. you and the group mentioned before are looking for critical medical supplies. you can eather go to the center of the city and look in a hospital or go to the country side and look in the small clinic
  4. your base that you have built is overrun with zombies. what do you do?
  5. theres a camp of raiders. what do you do?
  6. you meet a wandering trader.
  7. you see a ton of lone survivors
  8. you are desperatly low on food
  9. whats your name?
  10. do you watch the walking dead?

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