The Star Was Quiz

This test is an easy test.You should get 100% It is so easy a baby could pass it. This is the first quiz I've made. I will make a difficult quiz next time.

"Do you know Star Wars" "Then YOU should get this test correct."This is not a difficult quiz" "This is a quick quiz." This quiz will be a quick and easy quiz

Created by: samuel
  1. Was Anikan a child in Episode one?
  2. 2. Was Count Dooku Yoda's padawan?
  3. 2. Who was Yoda's master?
  4. 4. Why did Darth Vader die?
  5. 5. Which order did Chancellor Palpatine execute that made the clones kill the jedi?
  6. 6. Where does Anikan live in in Episode 1
  7. 7. In episode IV did the pilots know that the Death Star functional?
  8. 8. Is Anikan Darth Vader?
  9. 9. Are you bored? {correct answer is duh}
  10. 10. FINALLY LAST QUESTION Did you like star wars? [correct answer is yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]

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