The Star Trek Quiz for Blockheads

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This is a very easy quiz made for those blockheads. If you're dong this for fun and are a brainy trekkie, you will probably pass. GO AHEAD AND TAKE IT! Now!

Well. You didn't take it yet. I want you to take it! It's easy...oh are you scared? It's just a quiz. It's easy and fun. It doesn't matter if you fail.

Created by: Amethysta

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What color shirt does Kirk wear?
  2. What color shirt does Spock wear? He is the pointy eared guy.
  3. What color shirt does Scotty wear? That Engineering Guy.
  4. What color shirt does Uhura wear? The communications african-american lady.
  5. What color shirt does Sulu wear? He's the guy who is the helmsman.
  6. What color shirt does Chekhov wear? The Russian Accent Guy
  7. What color shirt does Bones wear? The Medical Guy.
  8. What Question is this?
  9. What Genre Is Star Trek?
  10. What is this quiz about?

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