The Spy Test 1-12

This quiz was made to see if you have what it takes to be a spy. Most people don't, so it is a big deal if you passed. If you didn't pass, that is O.K.

The CIA, ATF, and the FBI higher spies! If you passed, get into one of these agencies! It is a fun life, to be a spy! Sometimes it is also dangerous.

Created by: Trudy Miller
  1. What is the missing sign? 889()#$%^&!@@#$$%5^889()$%^&!@@#$$%5^
  2. You have to take 3 criminals to prison. They are named Grunh, Phuh,and Namos. You cross a river on the way, but the boat holds only two spots to sit in, and you must be in the boat at all times.If you leave them alone on the river bank, Grunh will kill Phuh, and Phuh will kill Namos. How will you get them across?
  3. What is an Alias?
  4. Have you read Ruby Redfort?
  5. Solve this riddle- 1000+20+1000+10+1000+20+1000+50+100
  6. How many Fs are in this sentence? Scientific research of foxes shows the cutest of foxes is the fence fox.
  7. Do penguins fly?
  8. Do you want to be a spy?
  9. I like pigs
  10. Are you sneaky?
  11. Who is Bell Boyd?
  12. On minecraft, do you play survival?

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