The Space Quiz Yay!

Let's see. There are so many quizzes, but none of them fit your interest? Do you like space? May be this is the quiz for you! The description for this quiz is in the next paragraph!

Are you a space master. If you get an A that means you want to be an astronaut! Or an astronomer! That is very awesome! Very cool! Everything is awesome!

Created by: Jack
  1. What is the name of our galaxy?
  2. Which was the first animal to be sent into space?
  3. Where do you put your sleeping bag in a space station?
  4. How many days does it take Earth to orbit the Sun?
  5. What is a comet made of?
  6. Who was the first person to travel into space?
  7. .
  8. .
  9. .
  10. .

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