The Simpsons - Patty and Selma

There are some people who know loads of information about Patty and Selma . They are two characters from our favourite show the Simpsons . Were sorry . Nothing else.

We are going to see: How much do you know about Patty and Selma ? Is your knowledge 0 percent or 100 percent ? We will test you and find out. One last thing : We are them .

Created by: Patty and Selma
  1. What is Patty and Selma's surname ?
  2. What is the name of Patty and Selma's younger sister?
  3. What colour are their dresses?
  4. Who is their arch enemy
  5. What is their hobby ?
  6. What colour is their skin ?
  7. In what episode does Homer borrow their money?
  8. In that episode, who do they tell who Homer doesn't want to know ?
  9. Who tells them to have a child in Selma's choice?
  10. Who thinks they should have a kid ?

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