The Shark info Quiz

I've seen yor grades and I think you did great to all of you hey you never stop trying is beacuse if don't make it try try again so remard that mondo and you do great in eder bowling baseball basket ball soccer hockey anything never stop trying

How well did you do I don't know or don't care cause no mader how well or horrible I very proud of you quiz taker so never ever EVER quit remader alawys follow your dreams and do well in school so you can have money,job and a house

Created by: Caleb

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What atract Sharks
  2. Whitch tyipe is not a shark
  3. what do shark think that surfers on their board look like
  4. Whitch 3 are the top 3 dangerus
  5. How many people has surive a Great White akket
  6. whitch is dangers Short fin or Long fin mako
  7. witch water do shark live
  8. Are all shark carnivels
  9. Can you have a pet shark
  11. what day sharks where on the Earth
  12. are nurse shark mean
  13. where can you see sharks at
  14. whitch part of its body make a shark drown if it doesn't have it
  15. what the differt beetren tiger and a tiger shark
  16. how many fin do a shark have

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