The sausage links quiz

Yola! Are you cut out to be a sausage link? Answer these ridiculous question to find out! If you do, I'll give you a cookie! Moo! Moo! Moo! Moo! Moo!

what is up? are you a blank, blank, or blank? yeah, i cant say the results. so, hows the weather there in georgia? not so good? oh, sad day. sike! sucks for yu!

Created by: Resputia
  1. What is your favortie food?
  2. Do you smoke?
  3. what kind of fish do u want?
  4. How often do you get high?
  5. what r u thinking of right now?
  6. If you were a fart, what kind would you be?
  7. if u were one, what kind of potato would you be?
  8. Snowmans!
  9. what instrument do u want to play?
  10. What kind of Christmas tree would you be?

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