The Saddo Test (Specially For Will)

There's a geek test, a goth test, an emo test, and lots of others! But as far as I know, there is no Saddo Test! Hehe... So this is where you've gotta come to find out your inner Saddo...

Are YOU a Saddo? Do you have that little bit of Saddo in you? Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this gat quiz, in just a few minutes, you'll find out!

Created by: Georgie
  1. There's a lot of homework for you to do. What do you do?
  2. There are two tables in the lunch hall. One is full of people, and the other one is empty. Which table do you sit at?
  3. There is a class project to be handed in in one week. What do you do?
  4. You have to go to one class, which one would you go to?
  5. The teacher praises you for doing a good piece of homework. What do you do?
  6. You have to choose a name for your new GIRL kitten. Which name do you choose (from the names below)?
  7. You have the choice to do an activity. Which one do you choose to do?
  8. You have to choose between Gangnam Style and One Pound Fish. Which one do you pick?
  9. There are two snacks left one a plate. One is a flapjack, and the other is a stick of celery. Which do you pick?
  10. You see a little lonely person. How do you react?

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