The rybs and owls of the Great tree!

You are now a genius of Ga'hoole.The quiz to be the smartest in all the kingdoms of Ga'hoole. As you wish you can take the test again or try a different quiz of Ga'hoole.

You can be a Ga'hoole genius, but it won't be as easy as you think!You have to read the books to know these questions.Are you as smart as Soren OR are you as dumb as a chicken?

Created by: Zachary
  1. Which owls are in the band?
  2. What are Hortense's Eagles names?
  3. Which ryb is a traitor?
  4. Who is the navagation ryb at the Great Tree?
  5. Who is the colliering ryb at the great tree?
  6. Which snake had their eyes ripped out?
  7. Who is King of Ga'Hoole?
  8. Who is Queen of Ga'Hoole?
  9. Who is Soren's mentor?
  10. Which ryb does Digger have a crush on?
  11. Which two owls are the leaders of The Pure Ones?

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