The rizz quiz - see how much rizz you really have

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Okay so this is the rizz quiz for alphas who want to know their rizz percentage in life. The higher the better! ihdjksaguihoqwkldsajhgkhqwjsakhgjhdgshagk


Created by: Rizz master
  1. What is your fave artist?
  2. What is your aura?
  3. Best pick up line?
  4. Are you the alpha?
  5. Have you used pick up lines to flatter sombody?
  6. How many pick up lines do you know
  7. Do you have low taper fade
  8. How many rizz points do you have?
  9. Have you broken your Duolingo streak?
  10. Ok, last question; do you know the snoop dog walk?

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