The redneck quiz

what does it take to become a redneck? larry the cabl guy and jefF foxworthy are good examples of the true redneck but what makes a real redneck? R they just people w/ beatin up trucks and dead animals on the wall?

are u considered as a part of the bluecollar family? take the test and find out! if u think that these rednecks are just annoying hillbillies w/ bright coloured necks ur right! but this quiz probably isnt 4u.

Created by: Hick
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you live in a rural area? (small town)
  2. What is your fav. clothing company?
  3. Do u hunt, fish, or trap?
  4. Who is your idol?
  5. what type of house do u live in?
  6. Which of the following?
  7. what type of music?
  8. what is a good pet?
  9. what form of transportation
  10. which would u rather be doing right now then this gay quiz?

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