The Real Bible Quiz

heyyy i madfe this quiz for certain people who would want to knoe hoe well they knew the bible. they can be really smart and noe nothing or be really dumb and actually knoe some thing.

this is my first quiz i have ever made in my life. am 14-years-old, and i got to church in mississauga. and apperently can't spell either. well i hope u enjoy my quiz that i made.

Created by: tyana

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  1. where is "i was in the Spirit on the Lord's day,and heard behind me a great voice, as of a turmpet," in the bible???
  2. how many disciples does Jesus have??
  3. how many psalms are there?
  4. genesis, exodus leviticus,numbers,... finish it off (in order)
  5. wat was Abram's name changed to?
  6. who betrayed Jesus?
  7. how many churches are there in revelation??
  8. how many commandments are there?
  9. wat is the last verse in the bible??
  10. there are ___ number of books in the entire bible

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