the random quiz

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well............this AWSOME!!!!!!!!!so you will find weird questions funny questions and you will get to see how random you are!!!!!!

This is a quiz to take when you are bored. If you can be easily offended you shouldn't take this quiz or if you don't like something that is very unusual. But if you like to laugh you should take this quiz. Remember we aren't forcing you to do anything.

Created by: spongebobby
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you limit yourself to a certain amount of pizza toppings?
  2. do you like edward or jacob???
  3. do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
  4. do you ever dream about your ex?????
  5. have you ever sworn??
  6. did you just see that flying pig????
  7. what color hair do you have???
  8. what kind of ice cream do you like?
  9. who's your favorite famous person?
  10. do you like to talk to people??

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