The Random Quiz

Hello! are looking for something so random that...well just random. Then take this quiz! We hope that you will enjoy it as much as I did! Ok so take the quiz already! ENJOY THE QUIZ!

Did you take the quiz? Oh so you DID not take the quiz and your reading this? Well stop reading this and take thwe quiz already! You take way to long. Buh bye o the quiz!

Created by: izzy

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. huh? Why are you doing this quiz?
  2. well, ok then. HI!
  3. uhh, ok. so whats your name?
  4. well then will you tell me this?
  5. well do you like to eat bananas?
  6. soo,that was a ok answer. then do you like milk?
  7. hmm, that was a great answer but do you like pancakes?
  8. well then, I have to say it, you asked for it!
  9. goodbye!
  10. no not really.
  11. ok now bye for reals. BYE!

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