The Quiz of Wickednessed

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what am i doing to this cheese and peas?... okay this quiz is about how wicked you are but the thing is you can be as wierd as you can but there are some things that might scare you...Jk but still.(o.0)

ahhh...sorry but i just saweded a bellybutton but if your scared of bellybutton DO NOT take this quiz. but i have cheeses and peas and forest gump...cheese!!!!

Created by: Ayame_Ichigo
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. OMG what just happen?
  2. which is the best?
  3. Which is better?
  4. Which is the best to eat?
  5. who is forest Gump girlfriend?
  6. what's your favorite cheese?
  7. what your favorite colour?
  8. what is the answer to this question?
  9. who walked in to the room?
  10. what are you scared of?

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