The quiz of the year

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If you can ace this quiz you will be declared the quiz master. If any of your friends have tried and failed this quiz they must worship you for one day.

To succeed in this quiz you need to have some handy facts you know. This quiz is designed to test your mind in many different ways. You may know some facts but will they get you past the quiz?

Created by: Aster
  1. Who was Edmund Hillarys climbing partner?
  2. When was the Treaty of Waitangi signed?
  3. What are the 2 different types of elephant?
  4. How do you say thank you in Italian?
  5. Who wrote the Simpsons?
  6. Who wrote the song The Best Day Of My Life?
  7. Whos house was the Treaty of Waitangi signed in?
  8. How do you say red in French?
  9. What is the Greek god for war?
  10. What is the Greek king of gods?

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