The quiz master 23

Are you a animal lover? This quiz will tell you all you have to do is answer 12 easy questions and it will tell you. Do you think about animals a lot ?

If you do this is the quiz for you. If you think you are then you mite not be right. This will tell you so just answer 12 easy questions and get a answer

Created by: Adeline
  1. Do you have any pets?
  2. If you answered nope on the last question then do you want a pet?
  3. What do you do when you come home from school/work
  4. What's your fave animal?
  5. What do you call your self
  6. Do you think animals are cute?
  7. When you see a dog walking with its owner what do you do
  8. If you see a lost dog poster what do you do
  9. Do you care if you have a pet?
  10. Are you a vegetarian

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