The quiz all on my little budgie named Ciel!

There are many types of budgerigars! What is a budgie? A budgie is one of the smallest parrots in the world! They range in blue or green colors while the wild budgie is only found in green and yellow! Did you know that budgerigar means "Good to eat"?

Do you know about my Ciel? Do you know enough and have a good mind to solve puzzles? Until now you can only wonder! But thanks to this Ciel quiz you can learn more about Ciel and learn more about the Melopsittacus undulatus!

Created by: MyBudgieCiel

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What kind of budgie do you think she is?
  2. What kind of treat does she LOVE?
  3. Who does she love?
  4. Is she tame?
  5. What month is her b-day in?
  6. Is she happy?
  7. To make her happy waht sized cage does she have?
  8. Is she in breeding condition on this day? the 9th of FEBRUARY?
  9. Is she singing right now?
  10. Has she attempted to mate yet?

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