The Queen's Pass Quiz

Imagine you get questions about a story you never heard about. Surprise me. Probability suggests you will end up at 25%. Or can you tell from your experience the right answers?

Do you always know the right answer? Do you always know what to expect? You really think so? Let's see. Take this quiz about a fantasy story you most likely never heard about.

Created by: swimbikerun
  1. What does Laris answer when King Crana asks him what Commander Dervil said?
  2. Why does Clio leave to the Kingdom of Dade?
  3. Who is the leader of the Dark Brotherhood?
  4. What happened to the oldest daughter of Lord Isgram?
  5. The mages got extinct by whom?
  6. Which character is Bacia's arch enemy?
  7. How does the symbol of the Kingdom Ver look like?
  8. How did the Queen's Pass get its name?
  9. What does Hagan point towards Bacia?
  10. What is the name of the Paladin's stronghold?

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