The probably hard Roblox quiz.

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This quiz can show your true knowledge of Roblox, as many quizzes here related to Roblox is created by brain-dead children. So I guess I could make this quiz.

How much do you know about Roblox anyway? You might find this test hard, so good luck.

Created by: ShovelwareQuizes
  1. What year when Roblox was founded?
  2. What language does Roblox uses?
  3. What was the first name of Roblox was before it was released?
  4. Who made Roblox?
  5. What's the theme of the first trailer of Roblox?
  6. What was the first currency on Roblox?
  7. What's the state of the Report System?
  8. Why Tickets are removed?
  9. What happens when you enable "Allow Copying"
  10. What grade you do expect? (does not effect grade)

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