A Quiz About Dinosaurs =)

A lot of smart people in the world, but not many dinosaur experts. This quiz is about Dinosaurs and I made it so I could find some true geniuses out there that know a bit about Dinosaurs. What is a genius? A genius is a person who can complete complex sentences, do complicated problems and ect.

Are YOU a genius? Do you have the knowlegde to become one? Could you complete complex or complete a very hard crossword? Well, in this quiz you could become a genius about Dinosaurs!

Created by: Rishabh Chakraborty
  1. How long did the first Dinosaurs live ago?
  2. Which Dinosaur was the dumbest Dinosaur?
  3. Which Dinosaur is the most popular Dinosaur?
  4. Which Dinosaur had the longest name?
  5. Random Question! You go up to your best friend's house, how would a awesome guy say "Hi!"?
  6. Random question! Which is the killing curse in Harry Potter?
  7. Which Dinosaur was the fastest Dinosaur?
  8. You go back in time and go up to a Ornithomimids? What would he/her do?
  9. Which Dinosaur was the smartest Dinosaur?
  10. Were the Dinosaurs the biggest animals in the world?

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