The Predicting Quiz

there are many people who wish that their crush would like them or know if your crush like you back. If this is you take this tiny quiz. This might help you

This quiz is to help you find out information about your crush. Take this quiz and you'll find out if your crush like you. Isn't this exciting.

Created by: Maria Morales
  1. Do you think your crush like you?
  2. Have you ever been alone talking to each other?
  3. Do you hang out a lot?
  4. Do you talk to each other?
  5. Has he ever asked you out?
  6. What would he say if you would ask him out
  7. Does he text you
  8. If you do what do you talk about
  9. Do you work on school projects together
  10. final question do you see him staring at you

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