The Potions OWLS

Sure you've read Harry Potter. But do you really know the inside secrets? Like how many legal animagus' are there? This quiz is on the potions at Hogworts.

What would you get on your OWLS'? Take this quiz to find out where you stand in the potions zone. Oh and this quiz is technically only 6 questions long so t's fast.

Created by: SNAPE
  1. Where would you find a bezore?
  2. What would you get if you mixed infusion of wormwood with powdered root of asphodel?
  3. What is the difference between monkswood and wolfsbane?
  4. What is the most powerful love potion?
  5. the rest of the questions have no effect.
  6. Rate?
  7. comment?
  8. do you think you did a good job?
  9. On a scale of 1-6 6 being the highest 1 being the lowest how horrible was this quiz
  10. BYE!

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