The Political Ideology Quiz

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Have you ever wondered which political ideology you side with? Have you scoured the internet for a quiz that's simplistic, yet definitive? Is every other quiz you've tried super biased? You've come to the right place.

The Political Ideology quiz is a quiz in which you answer several questions and each response is recorded and used for our placement algorithm in order to properly identify your political beliefs. This quiz might not place you in the group that you assumed you belonged in and the results may shock you. But for most of us, it should be a pretty simple and predictable outcome.

Created by: TJ Hoffman
  1. Big government, small government, or in between?
  2. "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs." Agree or disagree?
  3. Free market, or controlled market?
  4. Should the United States raise taxes on the rich?
  5. Should the government spend more or less of the national budget?
  6. Should welfare have fewer or more benefits?
  7. Do you support Universal Basic Income?
  8. Should minimum wage be raised?
  9. Do you support LGBTQ+ rights?
  10. Pro-life or pro-choice?
  11. Should hate speech be illegal?
  12. Do you support the separation of church and state?
  13. Do you support the death penalty?
  14. Should there be more restrictions on the process of buying a gun?
  15. Are you in favor of decriminalizing drug use?
  16. Do you support affirmative action? (Affirmative action refers to a set of policies and practices within a government or organization seeking to include particular groups based on their gender, race, creed or nationality in areas in which they were excluded in the past such as education and employment.)
  17. Should it be illegal to burn the American flag?
  18. Healthcare issues. What's your stance?
  19. Should the US Government increase or decrease border security?
  20. Should the Electoral College be abolished?
  21. Do you support Universal College?
  22. Do you support the standardization of education (Common Core), or an individualized education system that focuses on each student differently?
  23. Should the government intervene with businesses and corporations to help stop climate change?
  24. Should the US Government increase or decrease military spending?

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