The Pinky evil test

This quiz is for all the people in yahell social lounge. You think your that evil? Lets see! Bet Only one person gets 100% and we all know who that is going to be.

Are you evil enough to complete this quiz? Take this evil test and see how you compare to the LEGEND.Do you have the guts to take this quiz? Lets see how you go

Created by: kas

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you blog pics on your 360 of other people?
  2. Have you ever shows nudie pics to ppl from sl?
  3. Do you think ur evil?
  4. Have u ever fingered urself while posting pics on ur blog?
  5. have you ever sent sex toys to ppl you have met online?
  6. Do you have a cock pic collection?
  7. ever f---ed someone from online for real?
  8. Ever arrange to met someone from online?
  9. would you like to f--- someone from online?
  10. do hate anyone online?

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