The Pals Quiz (If denis gets 100 it means you can too)

For the pals: Hello buddy's! im so sad corl got removed from the pals but it was a good idea. i couldn't find anything else to say sorry, btw the limit of words needs to be 100 so

For everybody else: Before you do this quiz go ahead and subscribe to the pals! i couldn't find anything else to say sorry btw the limit of words needs to be 100 so

Created by: Nathan
  1. What is the longest Name? (Animals)
  2. What is the longest Name? (People)
  3. What are the pals colors?
  4. What is denis' Real Name?
  5. Does denis have a Cat?
  6. Box
  7. Dog
  8. Are you Denis?
  9. Are you subscribed to the pals?
  10. Do the pals play sports?

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