The opposite quiz

This is an opposite quiz, a really hard logical quiz, where you have to consider all the options and the question carefully to get the correct answer.

Try your best, and just really go for the best option. The obvious answer isn't usually there, so think randomly.Think like somebody making a random quiz!

Created by: Mooshroom9
  1. How many days are in a year?
  2. How many minutes are in a day?
  3. How old do you have to be to drink alcohol?
  4. What is the square root of nine?
  5. What is the square root of nine?
  6. What do you put in a toaster?
  7. Where do apples grow?
  8. What colour is an unripe orange?
  9. How many pinncers does a crab have?
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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