The one and only element quiz!

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Hi I'm RRR and I will tell you if you are the earth and west or fire and north or the water and south or the air and east?well it may seem impossible but nay!

This is only readable if you are truly ready!Let us go!now you will find out if you are the smart water or the passionate wind or maybe even the awkward earth?come on!

Created by: RRR
  1. which direction do you love?
  2. gender?
  3. color?
  4. which one are you?
  5. what is the best pokemon?
  6. someone says they saw a mega salamance on the rampage!what do you do?
  7. do you like jetsking?
  8. you see a hornet hive.what to do?
  9. animal?
  10. gggrrrrooooooooookkkkk!!!!!!
  11. bye!

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