The Ocean Quiz From Nonna

The ocean is a thing. THIS QUIZ will talk about it!!!!!!!!!! Ok, so are you ready? The test will begin shortly. Wait! A genius means that you have to get all the questions right! THAT'S A TRUE GENIUS!

Do you think you are an ocean genius? Well let's test that. Will you know how deep the ocean is, or if the ocean can fit in a bathtub. Let us test!!!!

Created by: Nonna
  1. What is the ocean?
  2. Does the ocean use a bike to get around?
  3. What percent of life in the ocean is aquatic?
  4. What can you find in the ocean?
  5. What percent of the world is ocean?
  6. Do we know much about the ocean?
  7. Can ducks live in the ocean
  8. How deep is the deepest part of the ocean?
  9. Does the ocean fit in a bathtub?
  10. Was the quiz fun?

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