The New Dawn: Part 6: Broken Peace

This time, I'm going to try to make my quizzes better. Sound good to you? The life of a warrior is now going into newleaf and you become a queen and nurse kits. Your kits are Streamkit, a golden tabby she-kit with blue eyes, and Ivykit, a silver she-kit with green eyes. Dovestar also has 1 kit: Flamekit. You have to nurse Flamekit because Dovestar is the leader.
Recap: Jaynight became a warrior of ThunderClan. You met Reedwhisker and he said he would kill Eagleclaw. You gather the prophecy cats. You tell the prophecy cats and the med cats the news. Dovestar said she would talk to Sandstar about exiling Reedwhisker.